Saturday, December 25, 2010

And then came Haleigh...

Not going to lie, probably wouldn't have made a blog if my friends hadn't first. Blogging kind of scares me because I don't want to sound silly/ cheesey. Plus it's a new year and journaling will be ten times easier to keep up with when it's on the computer. Anyways I'm giving it a shot so here I go. "I'm new so no makin' fun of me."
2010 went by so fast, it's weird thinking all the way back to January when all my friends went off to school/ missions. And as 2011 comes along, it's going to leave me in the same position. Every single one of my friends are leaving me for school/ marriage. Literally every single one. I'm so so proud of all of them..really I'm proud of you guys. (especially the indecisive one..) But I'm going to be selfish and tell you guys to come home because I miss laughing, smiling, singing, shopping, going to lunch, and interacting with people my age and not with the three little boys I nanny. I love my friends more than anything.  The new found lonliness will probably be a nice little kick in the butt to get my life going.
The next few months are going to be quite busy, but a good kind of busy. My lovely friends, Erika and Chase are getting in January and I couldn't be more happy for them. And they are letting me help a ton so it makes things much more fun..for me anyway. And then comes February 9th, when my boy leaves for the San Diego, Califonia Mission. He couldn't be more excited and I couldn't be more happy for him. He's going to do amazing work out there.
And not much planning has gone on past that point. Moral of the story is 2011 is going to be a very big new beginning but I'm excited and ready. I have the very best people in my life and I love them so much. And that's a wrap on my very first blog post..not so bad :)

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